日曜日, 2月 23, 2025
ホームJapan Fairについて在カンボジア日本国大使挨拶


カンボジア日本人会主催「ジャパンフェア」開会式 三上大使挨拶 (12月18日(土)17:00 於:イオンモール1)


カンボジア日本人会主催「ジャパンフェア」の開催を心よりお喜び申し上げます。 この「ジャパンフェア」は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響を受けた日本人会関係者をはじめとする在留邦人コミュニティー活動の活性化、日本食レストラン等のビジネスの活性化を目的として、日本人会関係者による企画・立案により開催されたものです。



この「ジャパンフェア」開催以外にも、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で落ち込んだ消費の回復を目的として、新たなウェブサイトを通じた当地の日本人経営の店舗情報を対外発信するオンラインによるイベントなども実施されると聞いております。このようなイベントが、カンボジアにお住まいの皆様がコロナ禍前のような生活を取り戻す起爆剤になることを期待します。 また、日本人会によるこのような活動は、在留邦人の皆様のためだけのものではなく、日本とカンボジアの絆を一層深めることに繋がる活動であると考えます。今回のイベントでは、日本の文化に触れたり、日本の食べ物を楽しんで頂ける企画が多数用意されているようですので、カンボジアの皆さんも是非楽しい時間を過ごして頂けたらと思います。


Opening Ceremony of “Japan Fair” organized by Japanese Association in Cambodia (Ambassador Mikami’s speech)
(Saturday, December 18, 17:00 at AEON MALL 1)

Hello, everyone.

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the opening of the Japan Fair organized by the Japanese Association in Cambodia.

The Japan Fair was planned and organized by the members of the Japanese Association of Cambodia with the aim of revitalizing the activities of the Japanese community, including the members of the Japanese Association of Cambodia, who have been affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, as well as revitalizing businesses such as Japanese restaurants.

The impact of the new coronavirus infection in Cambodia began with the arrival of the large passenger ship Uesterdam at Sihanoukville Port in February last year, and since the so-called “February 20 Incident” that occurred in February this year, the infection has spread as you all know. In Phnom Penh, people were restricted from going out due to the lockdown, schools were closed for a long period of time, etc., which had a great impact on the lives of Cambodian people and foreign residents including Japanese.

In Cambodia, the situation has been settling down as the government has taken the initiative to achieve a high vaccination rate and the number of newly infected people has recently remained at a low level. Under such circumstances, I am glad that the Japan Fair is being held, and I would like to express my sincere respect to all those who have worked so hard to organize this event.

In addition to the Japan Fair, I have heard that there will also be an online event to disseminate information about Japanese-owned stores in Cambodia through a new website, with the aim of recovering from the drop in consumption caused by the spread of the new coronavirus. I hope that these events will serve as a catalyst for Cambodian residents to return to the way of life they had before the COVID disaster.

I also believe that this kind of activity by the Japanese Association is not only for the benefit of Japanese residents in Cambodia, but will also lead to the further strengthening of the bond between Japan and Cambodia. At this event, there will be a lot of activities where you can experience Japanese culture and enjoy Japanese food, so I hope that everyone in Cambodia will have a good time.



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